Ski Hill Protocols
A reminder for everyone to be calm, kind, patient and to come dressed/prepared according to the weather for skiing. At times we may experience high volumes of patrons using our facility.
Covid Regulations:
We will be following all guidance from AHS and the province to ensure that we can provide the safest experience and to ensure that we can keep our hill open for the season. As you are aware by now, restrictions are subject to change at anytime.
The chalet will only be open for ticket purchases, ski and snowboard rentals and limited concession purchases. Indoor seating and eating will not be permitted at this time but a few outdoor picnic tables will be available for outdoor seating. The indoor washroom facilities will also be available for use. Getting dressed, warming up or socializing inside the chalet will not be permitted at this time. There will be both a separate and designated entrance and exit to restrict traffic flow in and out of the building. As per government restrictions the chalet will be operating at a 30% capacity limit. The hill and/or chalet will NOT be available for rental bookings.
*As per government regulations face masks will be required to be worn by volunteers and patrons when inside the chalet.
*At this time masks are not required outdoors but we ask that you respect physical distancing especially when in the tow line and going up the tow rope.
Again, as we are in very fluid times, these rules are subject to change at any given time.
Let’s all work together to keep our community safe while making for a successful and fun season for all.
Thank you for your support and cooperation. We are looking forward to a successful season. See you at the hill!
In addition:
- NO consumption or use of drugs, alcohol or other substances as this is a family friendly environment. This includes NO SMOKING or VAPING.
- NO TOBOGGANING at anytime on the property.
Please review these protocols as complying to them will be mandatory otherwise your skiing privileges will be revoked. Volunteer abuse or backlash will not be tolerated.
If you do not want to follow the rules, please do not attend.
*Protocols are subject to change.
Please read through our latest updates on Facebook for all current information. Thanks!
Our most current updates can be found under our "hours" tab via the Facebook Dialog box.
Parking lot
Lift Tickets / Season Passes
Ski / Boot Rentals
Snowboard / Boot Rentals
Hill Rentals